For the collection to run smoothly, we need to ensure that the information provided by customers when they order trees is correct. Doing this as orders come in during November and December enables queries to be followed up and avoids last-minute work.
Helping with data checking is something you can do from home. You will be given login details for our Shopify account, and you can log in at any time and check any outstanding orders. The main thing to check is the shipping address.
- Does the phone number look right? Does it have the right number of digits?
- Has the customer entered their name correctly, with first name and last name in the appropriate fields?
- For the address, we need the first line to show the house number (or name) and street name, with no comma. If the house number and street have been entered in separate fields, they need to be brought together. Abbreviations such as Rd, St, or Ave should be expanded to full words. ’34, Green Rd.’ needs to be changed to ’34 Green Road’
- If the address has both a number and a house name, the first address line should show the number and street name. The house name should appear as the second address line, in the field labelled ‘apartment, suite, etc.’
- If the address has only a house name, this should appear with the street in the first line of the address, e.g. ‘The Beeches, New Road’
- The City field can be Esher, Hinchley Wood, Surbiton, Thames Ditton, East Molesey or West Molesey. If the city is given as Long Ditton, this should be changed to Surbiton. Claygate should be changed to Esher.
- Has the customer provided both a shipping address and a billing address? If so, does it look right? Customers have sometimes managed to get these the wrong way round. Check previous years orders (if any) to see where we collected from. If uncertain, flag for attention.
- Has the customer provided any notes about tree location? If so, edit it down to what the van crew needs to know. ‘We will leave the tree outside our front door by the bins, thank you very much’ becomes ‘outside front door, by bins’. If they have given a W3W code, edit it to the format ///one.two.three with no spaces.
- If they have inserted a W3W code into an address field, transfer it to the notes field (and remove it from the address)
Once an order has been checked, and all is OK, add the tag ‘Checked’. If there are any queries or issues, tag with ‘Needs Attention’.