Data Protection Policy

Our data protection policy is designed to ensure that people can trust us to use their personal information fairly and responsibly, and that the scout group fulfils its responsibilities under the UK Data Protection Act.

Group Data Protection Roles

A Data Controller is the person, agency or body which determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.  For 1st Weston Green Scout Group, this is the Board of Trustees.  The board is chaired by Nigel Harris (

A Data Protection Officer acts as the contact point for both data subjects and the UK Information Commissioner.  They also assist the board to monitor compliance with our data protection policy, and advise on our data protection obligations.  This role is currently fulfilled by Nigel Harris (

Your Rights

You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • The right to access personal data we hold on you. At any point you can contact us via to request the personal data we hold on you as well as why we have that personal data, who has access to the personal data and where we obtained the personal data from. Once we have received your request, we will respond within one month.
  •  The right to correct and update the personal data we hold on you. If the data we hold on you is out of date, incomplete or incorrect, you can inform us and your data will be updated.
  •  The right to have your personal data erased. If you feel that we should no longer be using your personal data or that we are unlawfully using your personal data, you can request that we erase the personal data we hold. When we receive your request, we will confirm whether the personal data has been deleted or the reason why it cannot be deleted (for example because we need it to comply with a legal obligation).
  •  The right to object to processing of your personal data or to restrict it to certain purposes only. You have the right to request that we stop processing your personal data or ask us to restrict processing. Upon receiving the request, we will contact you and let you know if we are able to comply or if we have a legal obligation to continue to process your data.
  • The right to data portability. You have the right to request that we transfer some of your data to another controller. We will comply with your request, where it is feasible to do so, within one month of receiving your request.
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time for any processing of data to which consent was obtained. You can withdraw your consent easily by email to
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Contact Details

If you have any concerns or questions about our processing and retention of personal data, email

Data Protection Policy

You can read and download our data protection policy documnet here: Data Protection Policy.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III