- Safety is our No.1 priority. Everyone is authorized to call an immediate halt to any activity that they think looks unsafe. If you see anything unsafe happening, stop it. If you need help with something like reversing a van or handling a big, heavy tree, ask for it. If you can help to make something safer, don’t hesitate.
- Accuracy is our No.2 priority. It is very important that we collect every tree that has been ordered, but no others. Resist the temptation to take every tree you see. There will be many trees out for collection that have not been ordered through our site. It is far better to report a task as failed in OnFleet than to take the wrong tree.
- Enjoyment is our third priority. If you’re out on the vans, or waiting at the collection site, you may get cold and wet (or hot and sweaty) but most people find they really enjoy the weekend and get a sense of achievement from making a contribution as part of this team activity.
- Speed is our fourth priority. We plan the collection so that (unless something goes very wrong) we have enough time and vehicles to complete the collection within the weekend. It’s nice when you’re sent to an area where we have lots of orders, and you can cram 30 trees into the van in 30 minutes, but safety and accuracy are more always important than speed.
Roles at the weekend
- Drivers (obviously) drive, but also act as the coordinator of their van crew(s), arranging where and when to meet up, etc.
- Navigators use the OnFleet app on their phone to see a map and list of tasks assigned to their van, direct the driver to the trees, and mark them as completed or failed.
- Luggers on the vans collect the trees and pack them into the van, ideally with the assistance of their driver and navigator, especially when multiple trees are present on one street. Luggers at the collection site help the crews to unload the trees, check them for plastic or decorations, and stack them up.
- Coordinators work at “tree towers” HQ, or from home, helping to ensure vans are kept busy with tasks, and that any failed tasks or customer queries are followed up and resolved quickly.
What we can take
We can take only trees, stripped of all decorations. No wreaths. If a tree is rooted in a pot, we can saw the tree off and leave the pot behind. Because the trees are used as biomass, they need to be stripped of all decorations, plastic tags, etc.
We will provide high visibility tabards and first aid kits. Everyone in an outdoor role should bring:
- Winter outdoor clothing, that you don’t mind getting grubby.
- Welly boots or waterproof hiking boots (the collection site can get quite muddy)
- Full waterproofs, including trousers (trees left outside may be wet).
- Gardening gloves or tough waterproof gloves.
- Water and snacks.
- Mobile phone, charged up.
Navigators and drivers should bring, if they have them, a USB charging cable, USB-C to USB-A adapter, and/or a power bank. The rental vans usually have USB-C outlets (the small ones).
Each van should have a handsaw for tackling very large trees. Drivers to arrange this.
If you wear glasses, consider bringing a glasses case and cloth. Can’t easily wrestle with Christmas trees while wearing glasses.
We will be setting up WhatsApp chat groups for everyone, and for navigators/drivers. Please promptly join any group you are invited to. Watch out for relevant communications before and during the weekend.
Navigators will receive an invitation to download the OnFleet app and to join as a “driver” for 1st Weston Scout Group. Please do this.
More Information
Additional information about roles can be found on these pages:
Christmas Trees Navigator Role
Christmas Trees Coordinator Role