Hitting the Ground Running
The new scouting year is off to a great start.
On Sunday morning, young people from all four sections (ages six to seventeen) took part in the annual Esher District cross country run on Oxshott Common. Beavers and Cubs ran one circuit of the common, while Scouts and Explorers completed two laps. 1st Weston Green didn’t win any gold medals this year, but several of our young people successfully challenged themselves to go further and faster than ever before. And there were some lovely examples of teamwork, with young people running together and encouraging each other along the way.
Meanwhile, our regular weekly meetings are off to a flying start, with science experiments and a fire station visit for the Beavers, road safety skills and a night hike for the Cubs, an evening of traditional scouting skills and a bat walk for Scouts.
Coming up soon is the very popular, but also very exclusive, Sixers and Seconders camp, open only to those Cub Scouts who have demonstrated the responsibility and leadership needed to gain promotion to the role of leader or second-in-command of a group of six Cubs. On the same weekend, the Scouts will be holding a Survival Camp. They will be hiking across the commons to a camping location where they will build their own overnight shelters (no tents allowed!) and cook their own food from scratch.