Sixer and Seconder Camp
A highlight of the Cubs section year is the annual October camp for those Cubs who have been promoted to the role of Sixer or Seconder because of their growing self-confidence and leadership skills. To prepare for the transition to Scouts, they spend a weekend under canvas, learning exciting new skills involving fire and knives! They also have to erect and take down their own tents, cook their own food and generally muck in with any tasks needed around camp, rather than expecting adult helpers to do everything for them.
This year’s camp was constrained by COVID-19 restrictions, but we managed to go ahead and give the cubs a great weekend camp experience anyway. Nobody actually slept in a tent (we all went home for the night and came back early the next morning), but the cubs did everything else they would usually do, including putting tents up on and packing them away again on Sunday morning. And of course, there was a roaring camp fire and marshmallows and camp blankets and songs in the evening.