As Popular as Ever
Despite the difficulties of operating under coronavirus restrictions, our group remains as popular as ever with young people in the area. We’d love to extend our program of activities to more young people in and around Weston Green, but can only run as many groups as we have adult volunteer leaders and assistants for. We’re also restricted by the limited capacity and availability of our main meeting venue – All Saints Church Hall – on weekday evenings. Our younger sections are limited in size by adult supervision and safeguarding recommendations.
This means that, for the youngest age group, we can only run one Beaver colony for 24 boys and girls, even though we have over 100 young people on our waiting list. Our Cubs Pack and Scout Troop are also as large as we can accommodate, given the availability of space and of adult volunteers. Our Explorer section (for young people aged 15 to 18) has been growing and continues to expand. The explorer group could really use some additional adult leaders, but is able to continue operating by combining some of its activities with Hinchley Wood and Oxshott groups.