Christmas Tree Collection 2022
Our main fundraising event of the year, a kerbside collection of used Christmas trees for recycling, will take place on Saturday January 8th. We expect at least one adult from each family to help in some way, whether with pre-collection admin, or on the day, as a driver, navigator or lugger of trees. If you’re in the group, you should have seen an email inviting you to sign up and tell us what and when you can do to help.
We’ve had a lot of enquires from outside the group asking whether we’re doing the collection this year. Last year, despite making a huge effort to plan a covid-safe collection, we were forced to cancel at late notice because of the covid lockdown. This year we are determined to go ahead, although we face some challenges, and may have to run the collection a little differently to previous years. We will only be able to collect on one day (Saturday 8th) rather than the usual two, because of a shortage of HGV drivers to remove the trees to their final destination. The 4×4 vehicle team that we used in 2020 has disbanded, so our collection vehicles will look a bit different this year. Sandown Park is having a racing day on 8th January, so traffic in Esher is likely to be gnarly. But somehow we will make it work, and aim to collect around 1,000 trees.
Our booking website is now open. Visit to book a collection.