Annual General Meeting to be Held on June 23rd
We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on June 23rd this year. It will be a virtual event, and all parents and leaders will be invited and are encouraged to join the meeting.
The formal purpose of the AGM is to allow the Group Scout Council (that’s all the parents and other adult group members) to receive the annual report and financial accounts, and to approve or elect the chair, secretary, treasurer and other members of the group’s executive committee. Informally, it is also an opportunity to review what we’ve been doing in the past year, to talk about plans for the future, to celebrate the achievements of our young members and our leaders, and to meet each other.
A few days before the meeting, we will send out some documents for all the parents and other group members to read. These will include reports from the Group Chair and the Group Scout Leader, and a statement of the group’s financial accounts for the year to March 31st. We will also invite all parents and other group members to complete a short online form, to approve nominations and elect members to the executive committee.
We’ll try to keep the virtual AGM fairly short and to the point. But we do ask all parents to make the effort to attend. We’re hoping that by the end of the summer we’ll be in a position to organize some sort of face-to-face event, where everyone can meet up and share some food and drink and a chat. Look out for further news of this during the summer.