Annual General Meeting

Date: 29th Jul 2023 Author: Nigel Harris

The Annual General Meeting of the Group Scout Council was held on Wednesday July 19th.  The Group Scout Council is the ultimate seat of power in the scout group!  It appoints the Trustee Board to look after the group’s finances and ensure the charity is run according to Scout Association rules and national charity regulations, and it checks up on this once a year.  The Council consists of all the parents, leaders, adult volunteers and group supporters, plus the most responsible of our young members – our Explorer Scouts and the Patrol Leaders from our Scouts section.

It was good to see a wide range of faces on our Zoom call meeting, from leaders who have been with the group for over 20 years, to newly appointed Scouts patrol leaders, attending for the first time. Our new Group Scout Leader, Nick Fisk, described how honoured he felt to be elevated to this top scouting role, after having originally joined 1st Weston Green as a young scout, around 30 years earlier.

Our Group Chair, Nigel Harris, briefly reviewed our annual report.  Highlights included our successful fundraising Christmas tree collection and the party we held to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the group’s first meeting. Our Group Treasurer, Andy Panayides, gave a run-down of the financial statement – in summary, there were no issues, and we have enough money for our foreseeable needs.

We re-elected Nigel as Group Chair, Andy as Group Treasurer, and John Coghlan, Emma Harris, and Felix Jackson as trustees.  Sam Holmes (a Cubs section leader) and Kirstie Wood (our Explorer Scouts Leader) joined the board as trustees, and Hannah Yeomanson was elected to be our Group Secretary for the next year.

The meeting closed with some kind and encouraging words from Andrew Burns, Esher District Scouts Commissioner, who thanked the group’s leaders and trustees for helping scouting to continue to thrive in our corner of Surrey.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III